Does my business need a blog to help growth?

Continue ReadingDoes my business need a blog to help growth?

The short answer is yes. Living at a time when almost everything is searched for online, your business must make the most of the digital resources available to it. One such resource is the blog. This month's post looks at the particular benefits blogging can bring to your company and outlines the process of how to do it well.

Why customer feedback is so important to help your business grow

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Customer feedback is a chance to garner honest and insightful views from people who engage your services. It represents an opportunity for you to learn and, where necessary, instigate changes that will help your business develop.

6 sales tasks a virtual assistant can do to help your business succeed

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Sales are what drive a business. Whether you manage a large corporate company or a budding entrepreneur, the ability to generate revenue is fundamental to your success. A sales-focused virtual assistant can facilitate that process by providing expert knowledge and support. And in doing so, help maximise leads and convert potential clients into paying ones. Simply put, a sales VA will assist your company in ways that will make money.

Once upon a time…

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I want to tell you a story about a couple who wanted a new kitchen island. Like most people, they did some online research and then decided to approach three suppliers for quotes. Their choices were mainly based on reviews and recommendations found on the internet.