As we all begin to tentatively think about life returning to a new kind of normal, many of us are feeling apprehensive and worried about what that will involve. In everyday life we all feel stress in varying degrees – it’s a normal reaction to threats in our lives and in prehistoric times would have helped to protect us from life threatening situations. The pandemic has affected all of us in different ways and it’s natural to feel some anxiety and worry as we adjust to the coming months. It’s a response that’s there to protect us and does a great job at doing so but if it’s beginning to affect your daily life, please reach out for help from your GP.
In my role as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I’m often asked for my top mindset tricks and have recently been working with a number of clients who are anxious or worried about coming out of lockdown. If you’re finding nerves about how you’ll find it are kicking in, read on for some tips on how to prepare for the transition:
1. The unconscious doesn’t process negatives – it interprets everything as a positive thought. So, if you tell yourself that you don’t want to feel anxious, that’s what you’ll get – feeling anxious. Try not to think of a pink elephant – go on, really try not to focus on the pink elephant…and what do you get? Probably being focused on a pink elephant! Stop thinking ‘I’m feeling or am going to feel anxious’ and replace it with ‘I want to be calm and in control’. If you find yourself thinking about what you don’t want, try asking yourself what you do want instead.
2. Visualisation. Many top athletes and entrepreneurs use visualisation to focus on their goals and train their mind to accept it as real. It’s the practice of repeatedly imagining what you want to achieve in order to create it and attract it. It’s the method used by 23-time gold medalist Michael Phelps, business giants like Oprah Winfrey and actors like Jim Carey.
3. Take note of your body language. A friend of mine recently told me that when he’s in an important situation he puts on a pair of shoes that are slightly too tight – they serve as a reminder to stand tall and be in the role his job demands. I’m not suggesting you go and buy a new pair of shoes (unless you feel that would work for you) but give thought to how you stand or sit – many of my clients like the ‘Superman stance’. Stand in superhero pose (Google Superman if you need a reminder) for just five minutes before a job interview or a big presentation or a really hard task and you will not only feel more confident, but you will perform better too. Give it a go and see how you get on. Enjoy the freedom!
Laura Yates is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and HypnoBirthing Practitioner working online and in clinics based in Saltash, St Mellion and Tavistock. For more information about Laura, see her website: